San Diego Union-Tribune Newspaper – Based on rejuvinated creative for San Diego readership was down & NYCA was hired to increase not only subscriptions, but retail sales. This was a guerilla marketing effort made by NYCA to show consumers actual items that could be sold using San Diego Union Tribune’s want ad section. Results: Retail sales moved up 51%. Paper subscriptions ordered online increased 28%....
San Diego Union-Tribune Newspaper – Based on rejuvinated creative for San Diego readership was down & NYCA was hired to increase readership & subscriptions. This was a campaign focused on the emotional attachment readers had for their local paper and each section was highlighted. Results: Retail sales moved up 51%. Paper subscriptions ordered online increased 28%. Churn has been reduced by 3.6%. Mediums: Print,...
TaylorMade’s new product launched out into the market with an unconventional name. NYCA creative team sought to make “RocketBallz” name stand out even more with pro golfers repeating the name as they were first introduced to it, and celebrating the longer drives and strength of the product as it surpassed launch projections as their fastest-best selling FWY...
Stingaree, a new downtown San Diego Restaurant quickly turned into the hottest club in the famous Gaslamp area. NYCA was asked to create a new brand identity, menus and a somewhat jarring advertising campaign. The creative focused on the pleasure/pain of the Stingaree experience; the pleasure of good food and elegant surroundings vs. the pain of the next morning after the evening’s festivities. Their...
San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau: Restaurant Week – A guerrilla-marketing campaign which provided consumers their own Maitre d’ at various key locations throughout San Diego. This brought local media buzz and provided another medium and outreach opportunity to secure customer reservations & bookings for our client. Growth: San Diego’s the #4 most-visited leisure destination in the U.S., up from #12. For every $1...
NYCA developed a new way to look at golf apparel bringing adidasGolf to the forefront with the tagline & campaign: Equipment For Your Body. The campaign launched with Three (:15) tv spots online & on air celebrating adidasGolf as the next best-selling Golf Equipment on the market in apparel; Jacket, Shirt, Shoes. The campaign continued on for additional year with TV, print, digital, social,...
A whimsical site developed to showcase Dr. Occupation, a job search guru offerred by for those interested in finding their perfect job. Dr. Occupation was a character developed & nurtured by NYCA’s multi-platform campaign had marketing legs as an online column, an email campaign and online updates with new videos developed weekly for the...